TCT2023| μFR-based AQVA II Study Results Released

2023-10-24 10:00

Oct. 23th, during TCT WorldLink-East Asia Featured Clinical Science: Imaging and Physiology. Dr. Simone Biscaglia from AOU Ferrara (Italy) released the AQVA II study result, which has been published on JACC.



AQVA II is a multi-centers, randomized, controlled clinical trial, enrolled 473 patients with indications to PCI and at least one CHIP criteria. This study aims to demonstrated the superiority of physiology-guided PCI over conventional angiography-based PCI, and the non-inferiority of μFR (AngioPlus®system from Pulse Medical) compared with FFR.




Results showed that physiology guided PCI is superior to angiography guided PCI, with higher post-PCI FFR and more patients with optimal post-PCI FFR. μFR-guidance and FFR-guidance are equally effective.


Moreover, in μFR guided group, the procedure time is significantly shorter, and contrast media usage is lower.


μFR, for optimized PCI outcome.

  J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. Oct 23, 2023. Epublished DOI: 10.1016/j.jcin.2023.10.032